Take Ten

Life is busy and things often get hectic. When you’re stopped in traffic, dealing with a problem at work, or they got your drive-thru order wrong at Dunkin’ Donuts, it can be easy to sigh and roll your eyes, slip down the slippery slope of “life sucks” and focus on the bad.

That’s why I have a gratitude practice I’d like to share with you today. Though it only takes a minute, it has the power to reset my entire day. (It’s also a fantastic way to start the day!)

Whenever I need to get centered or refocused, I stop and count 10 things I’m grateful for. I usually count on my fingers, too, just to make it more tactile and help me slow down and really be in the moment. And I focus on basic things–the simpler, the better. Usually it’s something like this:

1.     I have fingers and hands to count with.

2.     I’m basically healthy.

3.     Hot yoga class is going to be fun.

4.     I’m fortunate that I can buy hot yoga classes.

5.     I love that new recipe I made; it’s a new favorite.

6.     I’m grateful for my bunny, Nelson.

7.     I have a wonderful life partner and I’m looking forward to dinner with him.

8.     My lovely reflexology client yesterday said that funny thing and made me laugh.

9.     My car is working fine–no problems; it doesn’t even need an oil change.

10.  The sun is out today.

We all have bad days, but we also have the power to shift our outlook at any time. When you shift your attitude to one of gratitude, nothing else in your life or day may have physically changed, but your perspective has. And usually, your new mindset will remind you that the day isn’t really all that bad. I hope you give it a try. How about right now?

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash