This Year, Only Please THIS Person

I’ve been semi-obsessed lately with videos from the Pa Pae Meditation Retreat Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Venerable Nick, previously a practicing psychotherapist, has been living there as a Bhuddist Monk for about five years. He has a series of YouTube videos on all sorts of useful self-growth topics.

He published this recent video, The Danger of NOT Keeping Your Word, shortly after the new year. It’s 20 minutes (which may be a long time in some busy lives), but I promise you it’s worth it, for what he has to say about New Year’s resolutions and the promises we make to others and, most importantly, ourselves. Give it a listen.

And, if you liked that…

Also worth watching is this beautiful video, A Monk’s Life (29 minutes). There’s no narration and you have to figure out a bit of what’s going on, but it’s serenely beautiful in its simplicity.