Hurry Up and Slow Down

A holiday poem for real life 

’Twas the week before Christmas and all through the city
People rushed and they shopped, and generally felt shitty.

Parking lots sucked and traffic was tight.
’Twas a miracle to shop Walmart without seeing a fight.

Folks lined up and moved at a crawl
At the post office, grocery, and especially the mall

To pay for the gifts and things they must buy
This time of year when tensions run high.

We know it’s coming every year in December
So it’s really not hard to try and remember

To set aside time and get our inner self quiet
Even if all around us feels like a riot.

For a true season of peace, love and light
Starts with finding your inner delight.

Meditate, breathe, and shut off your phone—
It only takes moments to “get in the zone.” 

So spend time alone, get peaceful inside
Then go out and share it with those far and wide.

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash